WAHF's Scholarship Initiative
Initiated in 2002 with a single grant, the Wisconsin Aviation Hall of Fame (WAHF) now proudly bestows scholarships annually from six funds.
The Jeff Baum Aviation Business & Jim Quinn Flight School Scholarship was established in 2013 to honor longtime aviation business owner and 2013 WAHF Inductee Jeff Baum. In 2018, an additional gift was contributed to the fund and expanded to include recognition of Jim Quinn. This scholarship is a $1,000 annual award to a deserving aviation/aerospace student. Preference will be given to students enrolled in aviation business management or flight school programs.
The Thiessen Field Scholarship was created in 2005 by Jerome Thiessen, a Wisconsin aircraft owner and builder who flew from his private airport. Students with a financial need or lower GPA are especially encouraged to apply for these awards given in his memory.
The Robert Payzer Memorial/EAA Chapter 640 Scholarship began in 2013 when a local EAA chapter chose to recognize former member Robert Payzer, a Wausau, Wisconsin native and friend of the chapter. This scholarship is a $1,000 annual award to a deserving aviation/aerospace student.
WAHF's Carl Guell Memorial Scholarship, named in honor of the Wisconsin Aviation Hall of Fame's founder, was created in 2002. This scholarship provides a $1,000 annual award to a deserving aviation/ aerospace student.
The Sidney A. & Ruth M. Julson Scholarship, will benefit students who are attending Madison Area Technical College/Wisconsin Aviation Flight School Program or the Buffalo, Wyoming, Flight School Program.
The Kylie's Cub Air Flight LLC, Kylie Murray, Steve & Sharon Krog Scholarship is a $1,000 award available to individuals aiming to enhance their flying skills through the earning of a tailwheel endorsement or spin training. Applicants should be between the ages of 16 – 24, actively involved in learning to fly and/or have recently earned a pilot certificate. As of January 19, 2024, fundraising initiatives are underway to launch the scholarship, with the first award anticipated in March 2025. Support this fundraising effort by making a donation. It's worth noting that WAHF initiated the fund with $5,000 as seed capital. Kylie's Cub Air Flight LLC, Kylie Murray, Steve & Sharon Krog Scholarship Fund
Apply for a Scholarship
Read more information about our scholarships.
To apply, create an account at CFONCW to start the process!
Donate to the funds:
- Jeff Baum Aviation Business & Jim Quinn Flight School Scholarship Fund
- Jerome Thiessen Aviation Financial Assistance Program Fund
- EAA Chapter 640/Robert Payzer Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Wisconsin Aviation Hall of Fame Fund
- Kylie's Cub Air Flight LLC, Kylie Murray, Steve & Sharon Krog Scholarship Fund
Supporting WAHF's Scholarship Program
You can make direct contributions to the Wisconsin Aviation Hall of Fame Fund here.
If you're interested in establishing a new scholarship, please get in touch with WAHF President Kurt Stanich via email at kstanich@wahf.org.
Management of WAHF's Scholarship Program
The administration of WAHF's scholarship program is overseen by the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin (CFONCW), headquartered in Wausau. With assets exceeding $90 million, CFONCW manages 411 distinct funds and has distributed $7 million in charitable contributions.

WAHF Scholarship Recipients
2024 WAHF Scholarships
2024 Scholarship Recipients
WAHF Scholarships Have Been Awarded!
Four aviation students are thrilled to be selected as WAHF's 2024 scholarship recipients. Among the deserving individuals who have been awarded this honor are Evan Bloemers, Grace Kohon, Lauren Stettbacher, Isaac Danke, and Adam Taylor, all of whom are enrolled in diverse college aviation programs. Congratulations!

2023 Scholarship Recipient
Grace Kohon
Grace Kohon started flying lessons at 15 and obtained her private pilot certificate at 17. She has wanted to be an airline pilot since she was 12. To further this aim, she completed High School Aviation 101 through Wausau Area Virtual Education. She has attended EAA AirVenture, EAA Air Academy Camp, joined Women in Aviation and the Ninety-Nines, and has been invited to make a presentation at an EAA Chapter 640 meeting. She is active in social, academic, charities, work, and aviation activities. After attending the University of Dubuque as a Flight Operations major, she will build hours to work for an airline.

2023 Scholarship Recipient
Elijah Pagel
Elijah Pagel, Wausau, is currently a sophmore at Minnesota State University - Mankato, in its Aviation Program. By graduation, he will have obtained his ratings and wants to start work as a flight instructor at North Star Aviation. He also wants to become involved in volunteer aviation programs. Upon building the required time, he hopes to fly for Sun Country or Delta Airlines.

2023 Scholarship Recipient
Angelo Brantner
Angelo will be attending Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. He attended many STEM and Aerospace classes at Eau Claire Regis High School. He's an active Civil Air Patrol cadet since joining in his freshman year. He has worked at EAA and local airshows, among other events. He has goals to get a double degree in Aerospace Engineering and Math, and enter the Air Force on a career path to become an astronaut. His instructors and employers feel his maturity and work ethic make him certain to succeed.

2023 Scholarship Recipient
Rowan Andreas
Rowan attended Cedarburg High School and will obtain his private pilot certificate prior to attending the University of Iowa Dubuque, for a degree in flight operations. Once obtaining his degree and aviation certifications he plans to fly for a major airline.

2023 Scholarship Recipient
Madisyn Roffers
Madisyn Roffers, De Pere, will attend Fox Valley Technical College in Aeronautical-Pilot Training. She will then transfer her credits to UW-Oshkosh to obtain a degree in Aviation Management. Her ultimate goal is to fly for a major airline. If something precludes her from flying, her fall back is her Aviation Management degree to stay in aviation. Her instructors cite her reliability in any project or job she undertakes.

2023 Scholarship Recipient
Kaia Barrett
Kaia Barrett, Stevens Point, is involved in Aviation 101 through Wausau Area Virtual Education and Wausau Flying Service, Inc. She finished the course and is training for her private pilot certificate. She plans to attend Minnesota State University, Mankato, where she has been accepted into the Aviation Learning Community. Her instructors at Stevens Point High School note that she sets challenging goals and achieves them. Her plan is to graduate with a degree in Aviation Professional Flight, work as a flight instructor, and then move to the airlines.

2023 Scholarship Recipient
Josie Boelter
Josie Boelter, Lomira, is currently attending Southern Illinois University (SIU), Carbondale, Illinois, where she is studying Aviation Management. She is a member of teh SIU Competitive Flight Team, which requires up to 40 hours per week of practice and study. Josie and the SIU team has competed at the National Intercollegiate Flight Association SAFECON flight competition in Oshkosh. She is planning for an airline career.

2022 Scholarship Recipient
Hugh Hanig
Hugh Hanig had completed a degree in Criminal Justice when a flight lesson at the airport in Merrill, Wisconsin, redirected his plans for his future. He is now enrolled at Minnesota State University Mankato in Professional Flight/Aviation. He is currently working on his Commercial rating. He has been accepted into the Delta Propel Program with the goal of becoming a captain with that airline. Meanwhile, he hopes to become an instructor to help bring others into aviation. His instructors, both at Merrill and Mankato, rate him as hard working, passionate, focused, and an exceptional student.

2022 Scholarship Recipient
Elijah Pagel
Elijah Pagel is from Wausau and has had a deep interest in aviation, dating from his first flight when he was twelve. He has accomplished an Aviation 101 on line program, which included simulator time as well as aviation basics. He is pursuing his Private Pilot rating at Wausau, where his instructor indicates hi future in aviation is unlimited. Elijah has been accepted by Minnesota State University, Mankato, in its Aviation program. He hopes to graduate with his advanced ratings and go on to become a captain for a major airline

2022 Scholarship Recipient
Cole Barton
Cole Barton is from Westfield, Wisconsin, attending Westfield Area High School. He has been interested in aviation since he was eight and received his “wings” from a pilot on a family trip to Florida. Since then, he has become part of the Wisconsin Fun Flying Club and the EAA Young Eagles Club. He is pursuing his Private Pilot certificate at Take Flight Aviation. He plans to attend the University of Dubuque in its Flight Operations program. He hopes to become a pilot for a major airline or charter company.

2022 Scholarship Recipient
Josie Boelter
Josie Boelter plans to attend Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois, majoring in Aviation Management. Her goal is to become an airline pilot and to acquire many aviation-related skills, becoming a well-rounded industry professional. Her flight instructor at Dodge County Airport notes that, “… in 52 years, she is by far and away one of my best students.” She also works there as a wing tech and customer service rep. While holding down this and another part time job, and being active in her community, she has acquired an enviable record at Mayville High School.

2022 Scholarship Recipient
Madeline Poole
Madeline Poole has been accepted at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Dayton Beach, Florida, in its Aeronautical Science program. She is from Weston and attended D. C. Everest High School through which she enrolled in Aviation 101 virtual course. Her instructor says she is a natural in stick and rudder skills and is always prepared for each lesson. She is continuing on to receive her Private Pilot rating prior to attending Embry-Riddle. She is holding down two part time jobs and is planning to be involved in a work-study program in college to facilitate her goal of becoming a commercial pilot.

2022 Scholarship Recipient
Grace Tlachac
Grace Tlachac attended Luxemburg-Casco High School while living in Algoma, Wisconsin. Her interest in aviation started with family outings to EAA Air Venture Oshkosh, when she was very young. She was a part of the Young Eagles program, where she was able to share her love of aviation with other young dreamers. She shares a love of mathematics with her U.S. Air Force brother, who is an officer in the Air Force Aviation program. She plans to attend Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, majoring in Aerospace Engineering with the goal of aiding in groundbreaking discoveries, while creating reliable and safe aircraft.

2022 Scholarship Recipient
Valarie Meyer
Valarie Meyer is attending Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, Illinois, working toward a degree in Aviation Flight and Management. She has earned her Private Pilot certificate, Tail Wheel endorsement, and has worked on assembling three aircraft. She belongs to several aviation organizations, has received numerous academic honors, and has written an article for AviNation Magazine. Her plan is to become a corporate pilot, working in business aviation with the travel opportunities that would afford. Once established in her career, she wants to offer reduced cost flight instruction to further opportunities for others.

2022 Scholarship Recipient
Hannah Shnowske
Hannah Shnowske, Mosinee, Wisconsin, was the first student from Mosinee High School to complete its newly offered Private Pilot Ground School course. She has passed her FAA written and is involved in flight training. Her instructor says she has all the characteristics for success and is a pleasure to work with. She plans to attend the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, majoring in Commercial Aviation with the goal of working for commercial airlines or in the corporate world.

2021 Scholarship Recipient
Ethan Goethal
Ethan is from Ringle, Wisconsin, and attended D.C. Everest High School. He is an Eagle Scout and has obtained his Private Pilot Certificate. He has enrolled in Perdue University’s Professional Flight Program with a goal to become a CFI while at Perdue and then fly as an airline pilot.
2021 Scholarship Recipient
Ian Riehle
Ian is enrolled in the Aeronautics - Pilot Training program at Fox Valley Technical College. After graduation, Ian hopes to continue his education at UW Oshkosh in Airport Management and to work in the aviation industry, initially as a flight instructor and ultimately with a major airline. From Edgar, Wisconsin, he is a previous recipient of a WAHF scholarship.

2021 Scholarship Recipient
Matthew Nejedlo
Matthew attended Random Lake High School. He is a squadron commander with the Civil Air Patrol and has obtained his Private Pilot Certificate. He has taken several online courses regarding flight characteristics, physics, and the construction of a liquid fueled rocket engine from Stanford, MIT, and other universities. He will be attending the Illinois Institute of Technology, pursuing a degree in Aerospace Engineering.
2021 Scholarship Recipient
Benjamin Halambeck
Benjamin Halambeck, of Ringle, Wisconsin, was a student at D.C. Everest High School, where he was a 4.0 GPA student athlete, rated number one in his class. His goal is to attend Georgia Tech to earn a degree as an aerospace engineer, ultimately completing a doctorate degree.
2021 Scholarship Recipient
James Murphy
James is enrolled at Western Michigan University and should graduate this coming June with a degree in Aviation Flight Science and Aviation Management and Operations. Following graduation, he will be flying patients to medical appointments and has his goal to fly with Delta. James is a previous recipient of a WAHF scholarship. He is from Combined Locks, Wisconsin.

2020 Carl Guell Memorial Scholarship
Mitchell Heinzen
Mitchell hails from Janesville, Wisconsin, and plans to study flight operations at the University of Dubuque. His interest in aviation was sparked by a neighbor, a WWII P-47 Thunderbolt pilot, who took the time to mentor Mitchell. He is working on his Private Pilot certificate and hopes to obtain his instrument rating before going to college. He has expressed an interest in flying for the University of Dubuque flying team and instructing in its aviation program. His goal is to work for a regional airline or to fly charter for SC Aviation out of Janesville.

2020 EAA Chapter 640/Robert Payzer Memorial Scholarship
James Murphy
James is from Combined Locks, Wisconsin. He is seeking a degree in Aviation Flight Science from Western Michigan University. His interest in aviation was spurred by family trips, when on one trip he received his Delta wings. He has since worked at the EAA Air Venture and is taking lessons to obtain his Private Pilot License. His instructor states, “... clearly James has the natural ability.... He is intuitive, intelligent, and thrives on learning.” His plan is to obtain his CFI, instruct and share his passion for aviation, and then “hit the international skies.” `

2020 Jeff Baum Aviation Business and Jim Quinn Flight School Scholarship
Jackson Swita
Jackson plans to attend the University of Minnesota – Mankato, studying aviation with a business minor. From Mosinee, Wisconsin, he has obtained his Private Pilot certificate and plans to eventually either fly for a corporation or an airline. Ultimately, he wants to own a charter business, serving both business and recreational customers.

2020 Theissen Field Scholarship
Alex Krause
Alex is from Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, enrolled in the University of North Dakota (UND). He has had a life long interest in aviation, starting with his first ride in first grade through his Private Pilot rating obtained in flight school. He is enrolled in UND’s Flight Education Program and participates in the UND Flying Team. His plan is to instruct, fly for a regional airline, and then go on to a major airline.

2020 Theissen Field Scholarship
Nicolas Kremer
Nicholas plans to attend the University of Dubuque, studying for a degree in flight operations. He has had a life long interest in travel and the outdoors, and sees aviation as a way to meld these interests into a career. His aviation interest was further sparked by a family friend, who is a pilot with Delta. He is currently working on getting his Private Pilot license. His goal is to become a commercial pilot and fly med evac for Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Hospital in Bethel, Alaska. Nicolas is from Osceola, Wisconsin.

2020 Theissen Field Scholarship
Ian Riehle
Ian, of Edgar, Wisconsin, is planning to attend Fox Valley Technical College and has been accepted into the aeronautics-pilot training program. He is taking flying lessons with Wausau Flying Service and is working on an airplane at the Learn Build Fly facility in Wausau. His interest in aviation started at a young age when his aunt took him flying and it took. He hopes to continue on to a career as a professional pilot in charter, regional, or major airlines.

2019 EAA Chapter 640/Robert Payzer Memorial Scholarship
Joshua Mioduszewski
Joshua is attending Ohio State University with the goal of becoming a commercial airline pilot. Joshua is receiving the EAA Chapter 640/Robert Payzer Memorial scholarship.
2019 Jeff Baum Aviation Business and Jim Quinn Flight School Scholarship
James Murphy
James Murphy is a student at Western Michigan University. James has declared a double major in Flight Science and Aviation Management. He is receiving the Jeff Baum Aviation Business and Jim Quinn Flight School Scholarship.

2019 Thiessen Field Scholarship and the Carl Guell Memorial Scholarships
Isaac Lee
Isaac Lee is enrolled at Fox Valley Technical College in its Aeronautics-Professional Pilot program. Isaac received the Thiessen Field Scholarship and the Carl Guell Memorial Scholarships.

2018 Carl Guell Memorial Scholarship and Thiessen Field Scholarships
Emily Bennett
Emily, a student at Southern Illinois University Carbondale will receive the Carl Guell Memorial and Thiessen Field scholarships. Majoring in Flight and Aviation Management, Emily will receive $2000 in funds to further her goal of becoming an airline pilot. Emily took an introductory flight at 17 and then committed to her flight training.

2018 EAA Chapter 640/Robert Payzer Memorial Scholarship
Isaac Lee
Isaac has been selected to receive the Robert Payzer Memorial/EAA Chapter 640 Scholarship in the amount of $500. He is a first-year student at Fox Valley Technical College in its Aeronautics-Professional Pilot program. “My goal is to keep using the knowledge I gain from my instructors and expand onto it whenever I’m flying for a company or just for fun,” said Lee.

2018 Jeff Baum Aviation Business and Jim Quinn Flight School Scholarship
Aaron J. Wahlgren
Aaron has been awarded $500 from the Jeff Baum Aviation Business & Jim Quinn Flight School Scholarship Fund. Aaron has a career goal to become a professional pilot. His immediate educational goals are to complete his A.A.S. Degree from Gateway Technical College in the Spring of 2019 and then move on to the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh to complete his bachelor’s degree in aviation management.

2017 Carl Guell Memorial Scholarship
Matthew Reuter
Matthew, of Medford, has a goal of becoming a certificated flight instructor and corporate pilot. He's a freshman student at University of Dubuque majoring in Flight Operations. Matthew has taken flight training with Wausau Flying Service at the Wausau Downtown Airport (KAUW). One of Matthew's flight instructors, Gil Buettner, says, "I mistakenly assumed Matthew was several years older than he is because his confidence and use of standardized procedures was very professional. This is a very thoughtful, dedicated aviation enthusiast, and I expect great success in his development as a professional pilot," said Buettner.

2017 Thiessen Field Scholarship, Jeff Baum Aviation Management Scholarship
Emily Bennett
Emily, of Cedar Grove, Wisconsin, is receiving WAHF's $500 Thiessen Field Scholarship and the $500 Jeff Baum Aviation/Aerospace Scholarship. She is a freshman student at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois, majoring in Aviation Flight Management. Upon graduation, she hopes to become a first officer for a regional airline to accumulate hours before moving up to a major airline. To help fund her college education, Emily has been working since her freshman year, at one point working two jobs during her sophomore year, to save for her college expenses. Emily says, "These flight costs will add up to nearly $90,000 over the course of four years. I am solely responsible for paying for my education because of family circumstances."

2016 Carl Guell Memorial Scholarship
Casey McCarville
Casey, who grew up in Port Edwards, Wisconsin, is a Junior at the University of North Dakota in its commercial aviation program. Casey is a certificated flight instructor working toward a piloting career with the airlines. Trent Tell, an aviation instructor at UND, says that Casey’s qualities of “professionalism, leadership, and willingness to help others,” qualify Casey for the award, along with being a “highly skilled and competent aviator and exceptional person.”

2016 EAA Chapter 640/Robert Payzer Memorial and Jerome Thiessen Aviation Scholarships
Michael Long
Michael Long, of Weyauwega, Wisconsin, is the recipient of two WAHF scholarships: Jerome Ripp Memorial, $500, and EAA Chapter 640/Robert Payzer Memorial Scholarship $500. Long is enrolled in Fox Valley Technical College’s Aviation Mechanic and Avionics Technician programs of study. “Michael’s enthusiasm for anything aviation and his drive to experience as much as he can in aviation, while attending Fox Valley Technical College, is a refreshing characteristic I do not see in many students,” say Dennis Moehn, aviation instructor. Michael’s long-range goal is to operate his own aviation maintenance business.

2015 Carl Guell Memorial Scholarship
Nicholas Morgan
Nicholas, from Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin, is an Aeronautical Engineering Technology and Professional Flight student at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.

2015 EAA Chapter 640/Robert Payzer Memorial Scholarship
Brady Wolt
Brady is from Marshfield, Wisconsin, and is studying aerospace engineering and mechanics at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities.

2015 Jeff Baum Aviation Management Scholarship
Michael Peer
Peer is in the Bachelor of Applied Studies - Aviation Management Program at the University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh.

2015 Jerome Ripp Memorial Scholarship
Cole Hamilton
Hamilton is a Flight Operations student at the University of Dubuque (Iowa) and he is from Richland Center, Wisconsin.

2015 Thiessen Field Aviation Scholarship
Johnathon Ridderbush
Eric Beilman is an Airframe and Powerplant student at Blackhawk Technical College in Janesville, Wisconsin. Blackhawk instructor Mario Flores said, "Beilman demonstrates an exemplary level of integrity and motivation."

2014 Carl Guell Memorial Scholarship & Jerome Ripp Memorial Scholarship
Raechel Geary
Raechel Geary, Wausau, has been selected to receive both the Carl Guell and Jerome Ripp Memorial awards. Raechel is a student at Minnesota State University in Mankato with plans to graduate in May 2015 with a Bachelors of Science in Aviation degree with a minor in Communications.
Raechel said, "I plan to take this degree and my ratings into the field of corporate aviation and to one day fly internationally."

2013 Carl Guell Memorial Scholarship
Alexander Adduci
Alex from Eagle, Wisconsin, is an aeronautical engineering major at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana.
Before attending college, Alex learned to fly, soloing at 16 and earning his private pilot certificate and instrument rating at 17, and his commercial certificate at 18 about the time he graduated from high school.
Thank you WAHF," Alex added, "You have my deepest gratitude."

2013 Jerome Ripp Memorial Scholarship
Heather Behrent
Heather is an Airframe and Powerplant/Aircraft Avionics student at FVTC in Oshkosh. "I believe I will enjoy being in an environment where detail and quality are of the utmost importance," Heather explained why she chose this field.
"I express my sincere gratitude to all of the individuals involved in selecting me for this scholarship. Without foundations such as the Wisconsin Aviation Hall of Fame, I would not be able to fulfill my dream of finishing the Airframe and Powerplant program at Fox Valley Technical College. This scholarship has given me the wonderful opportunity of being able to become a successful leader in my field of study."
Steven Sato, aeronautics instructor at FVTC, says of Heather, "She is an outstanding leader and student."

2013 Thiessen Field Scholarship
Rich Conrad
Rich has been a private pilot for five years. After being laid off from a yacht manufacturer two years ago, he decided to pursue a career as an airframe and powerplane mechanic. He is an Airframe and Powerplant/Aircraft Avionics student at Fox Valley Technical College in Oshkosh.
"I have recently completed my two-year Airframe and Powerplant training course at FVTC and earned my FAA mechanic certificate with airframe and powerplant ratings," said Rich. "This scholarship is a great help and wonderful gift to continuing my education in the aviation field. I hope to continue on in aviation to help others realize how exciting and enjoyable this field is; the variety, age, and technology of aircraft is endless. Thank you for your support of aviation right here in Wisconsin!"
"Rich is one of the finest students we have had in the A&P program here at FVTC," said Jeffrey Anderson, one of Rich's instructors. "He consistently demonstrates an exceptional level of focus on his studies."

2012 Carl Guell Memorial Scholarship
Kenneth Hawley
Kenneth, from Orfordville, Wisconsin, is a student in the Airframe and Powerplant program at Blackhawk Technical College in Janesville, Wisconsin. Ken returned to school after serving in the US Navy as a submariner to fulfill his goal of becoming an aircraft mechanic.
"Ken's attitude toward the aviation field is exceptional," said Richard Theis, an instructor at Blackhawk. "His workmanship shows his pride in completing a task correctly and efficiently."

2012 Jerome Ripp Memorial Scholarship
Ty Lasch
Ty is from Lake Geneva, Wisconsin and is a Airframe and Powerplant Program student at Blackhawk Technical College in Janesville, Wisconsin.
"This scholarship is a symbol of your trust in me that I will help keep the tradition and future of aviation going," said Ty. "This scholarship encourages me as I strive to do my best. It reinforces my goal of becoming an aviation mechanic, and the future that I want."

2012 Thiessen Field Scholarship
Adam Basso
Adam is an Elkhorn, Wisconsin resident and a student at Blackhawk Technical College's Airframe and Powerplant program. Adam is a US Marine Corps vet, serving nine years as a CH-53 crew chief and mechanic.
"Adam's military background has brought a deeper thought process to class," said Richard Theis. "As he works with his peers that knowledge helps to motivate others. Adam is always looking at the safety factors associated with aviation."

2011 Carl Guell Memorial Scholarship
Chad Meyer
Chad, of Beloit, Wisconsin, is the recipient of the $1000 Carl Guell Memorial Scholarship. A student at Blackhawk Technical College in the Aviation Maintenance program, Chad is working toward obtaining his Airframe and Powerplant Technician certificate. Concurrently, Chad is advancing in flight, working on his commercial pilot certificate.

2011 Jerome Ripp Memorial Scholarship
Peter Waters
Peter Waters, Beloit, an Aviation Maintenance student at Blackhawk Technical College, has received the $500 Jerome Ripp Memorial Scholarship. Peter has been active in the school’s aviation club and student government and has served as a funeral honor guard for VFW Post 2306.

2011 Theissen Field Scholarship
Henry Schnell
Henry Schnell, Oshkosh, an Airframe and Powerplant student at Fox Valley Technical College in Oshkosh, will receive $500 from the Jerome Thiessen Financial Assistance Fund. Joseph Schmidt, instructor at FVTC, says, “Henry came to the airframe & powerplant program with mechanical aptitude that are not so common today ...he has been able to excel because of it.”

2010 Carl Guell Memorial Scholarship
Michael Peer
Michael, a student at Fox Valley Technical College (FVTC) in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, is in his third semester of studies. He has completed the Airframe and Powerplant mechanics program and is now in the Avionics program. Peer has been on the Dean's List for each of the three semesters. Michael is active in 4-H, the Civil Air Patrol, and volunteers at the Experimental Aircraft Association.
"I am very honored to have been chosen to receive this scholarship," Michael said, "It will be a tremendous help in financing my education." His career goal is to work for a private aircraft restoration business.

2010 Jerome Ripp Memorial Scholarship
Tyler Rockenfield
Mario Flores, Blackhawk Technical College (BTC) instructor has high marks for Rockenfield saying, "Tyler has demonstrated an exemplary level of integrity and motivation, as well as a very professional attitude. His mechanical curiosity and can-do attitude make him a valuable asset to the aviation maintenance community."
The $500 award will help Tyler complete his course of study in Aviation Maintenance. "I am overwhelmed to think that out of all the applicants, I was chosen," Tyler said.

2010 Theissen Field Scholarship
Brooke Wedeward
A student at Blackhawk Technical College (BTC) in the Airframe and Powerplant program the, Brooke chose an aviation maintenance career because of her fascination for airplanes. She's wanted to become a mechanic since she was a young girl and looks forward to the challenges of this field. Broke is active in student government, the school's aviation club, and is a member of the Daughter's of the American Revolution.
BTC instructor Patrick Rupp says that Brooke is excited about learning and will tackle any project. "Brooke will be an excellent technician," he added.

2009 Carl Guell Memorial Scholarship
Nathanael "Nate" Hinton
When describing Nate, Fox Valley Technical College instructor Dennis Moehn said, "A non-traditional student, Nate brings knowledge gained through life experiences and he uses this knowledge to help traditional students concentrate on what is important in their education."
Part of Nate's life experience includes his previous work in Kenya at a boarding school, where he had "plenty of exposure to "missionary aviation" before returning to the U.S. to complete his A&P training and become a pilot. He plans to eventually return to Africa with his family and a new set of skills in order to better help people over there.
On receiving word of winning the scholarship, Nate said, "It's a huge encouragement to me, and another affirmation that I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing. To be sure, any good that might come from my efforts in Africa or anywhere else is really an extension of what I have been blessed with. Thank you so much for being a part of that."

2009 Jerome Ripp Memorial Scholarship
Robert Klevgard
Robert soloed on his 16th birthday and earned his private pilot certificate in August 2008. He hopes to become a professional pilot, but understands today's aviation challenges and sees the value that obtaining an A&P mechanic certificate will mean to a prospective employer. Robert, a student at Blackhawk Technical College in Janesville, is active in the school's aviation club and has earned a 3.89 GPA.
Blackhawk instructor Patrick Ripp said that Robert is excited about aviation and is always willing to help others when he can, even outside class. "Robert will be an asset to the aviation community," he added. Richard Theis, another of Robert's instructors said the 19-year old student's desire to be in aviation shows in everything he does at the college.
"This is great," said Robert. "I'm also working toward my instrument rating and commercial certificate and this will definitely help. I'm very appreciative and feel honored to get this award."

2009 Theissen Field Scholarship
Eric Beilman
Eric Beilman is an Airframe and Powerplant student at Blackhawk Technical College in Janesville, Wisconsin. Blackhawk instructor Mario Flores said, "Beilman demonstrates an exemplary level of integrity and motivation."
Eric has previously worked on A-10s and F-16s as a crew chief in the U.S. Air Force. He stated on his scholarship application that he volunteered for every deployment and job that would give him insight into a new aircraft system or sub-system. His goal, he said. "is to become one of the best on-call helicopter specialists in the area."

2008 Carl Guell Memorial Scholarship
Matthew Wittenwyler
Matthew is studying Aviation maintenance Technology at Blackhawk Technical College in Janesville, Wisconsin. Mario Flores, one of Matt's instructors, describes him as a hard-working, self-starter.
Flores continued, "Matthew understands exactly what an aircraft maintenance technician is all about." "He is a resourceful, creative, and solution-orientated person who is frequently able to come up with new and innovative approaches to his assignments", Flores said.
Matthew chose aviation for his pure fascination and love of flight which began when his father took him to air shows as a child. Wittenwyler feels his industrial maintenance background is a good fit with his new career goals. Matthew hopes to eventually earn his pilot certificate.

2008 Jerome Ripp Memorial Scholarship
Ryan Johnson
Ryan, a student at Blackhawk Technical College, plans to graduate as an Airframe and Powerplant Mechanic, work in the field for three to five years and then pursue the Inspection Authorization. Eventually Ryan would like to open his own maintenance facility specializing in antique aircraft restoration. He said that aviation has always been the center of his life, and that his passions are working on and flying aircraft.
Richard Theis, one of Ryan's instructors, said that 24-year old student is very committed to aviation. "While attending classes, Ryan hopes to restore aircraft," Theis said. "He does an exceptional job on projects as well as written tests." Ryan holds a 3.77 grade point average.

2008 Theissen Field Scholarship
Jordan Valiga
Hailing from Wisconsin's Northwoods, Jordan became interested in aviation after attending EAA AirVenture Oshkosh. An uncle continued to fuel that interest with numerous rides is a Cessna 172.
That early interest led Jordan to Fox Valley Tech's Aviation Center located in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Jordan earned his Aircraft Mechanic certificate this spring and plans on returning to Fox Valley Tech to attend their avionics program.

2007 Carl Guell Memorial Scholarship
Andrew Ovans
Andrew Ovans is a student at Fox Valley Technical College in the Aeronautics - Pilot Training program. Andrew's career plans include flying regional and corporate jets and ultimately fly for a World War II museum.
Andrew is active in community programs and his church. He assists in supplying underprivileged children with school supplies and sending care packages to troops in the Middle East. He is also helping a group of retires restore a 1937 aircraft.
Fox Valley Tech instructor Jeff Anderson said Andrew is an exceptionally motivated student. Instructor Dennis Moehn said of Andrew, "He is seen as a leader by several other students and his positive attitude about aviation and performing his job as a student helps to motivate others who aren't as enthusiastic."

2007 Jerome Ripp Memorial Scholarship
Matthew Kurtz
Matthew decided on an aviation career in first grade, after a trip to South America with his family. He is in the Aeronautics - Pilot Training program at Fox Valley Technical College in Oshkosh. His career plans include obtaining a seaplane rating and eventually becoming an airline pilot.
Matthew is the first recipient of the Jerome Ripp Memorial Scholarship. Ripp was a pilot and developed the Waunakee Airpark.

2007 Theissen Field Scholarship
Michael Erickson
Michael Ericson is an A&P student at Blackhawk Technical College. Michael says that aviation leaves him in awe everyday with the new things that he learns. "Everyday I wake up, every time I fly in or see an aircraft, I am reminded how much I enjoy aviation", he said.
Michael's instructors had high praise for him, Mario Flores said of his student, "Michael Erickson has demonstrated exemplary levels of integrity and motivation as well as a very professional attitude. His mechanical curiosity and 'can do' attitude make him a valuable asset to the aviation maintenance community." Michael also serves as the aviation club treasurer, participates in highway cleanups and Neighborhood Watch programs.
The Theissen Field Scholarship is provided annually by Jerome Theissen. Jerry created the scholarship in order to further the educational and career goals of potential pilots and aircraft mechanics.

2006 Carl Guell Memorial Scholarship
David Linton
David Linton is pursuing his A&P Mechanic certificate as a student in Blackhawk Technical College's Aviation Maintenance Technology program. He is moving to a career in aviation after 30 years in computer technology.
Mario Flores, one of David's instructors, described him this way, "David has been a very active member of the Aviation Club and student government this year. His professionalism in the classroom, lab and airport environment has proven his dedication to the aviation field."
David's wife, Sylvia, joked that the one mistake she made in life was buying him an introductory flight twenty years ago. David responded that his wife has been very supportive of his mid-life career change. Linton is an instrument rated, private pilot and airplane owner.

2006 Theissen Field Scholarship
Luke Van Lanen
Luke Van Lanen lives in Madison, Wisconsin and is a Blackhawk Tech student in the aviation maintenance program. Luke graduated from St. Could State University in Minnesota and is a multi-engine commercial pilot. After graduating from St. Cloud, he immediately enrolled in the mechanic program to "open up a wide range of additional opportunities."
Luke's instructor, Mario Flores, speaks very highly of him. "Luke has demonstrated exemplary levels of integrity and motivation, as well as a very professional attitude. His mechanical curiosity and can-do attitude make him a valuable asset to the aviation maintenance community."
Another instructor, Rick Theis said, "Luke and his father are building a homebuilt aircraft. Luke will be around aviation, and wherever he is, he will excel."

2005 Carl Guell Memorial Scholarship
Tony Colin
Tony Colin has had a life long interest and involvement with aviation. He and his father restored several classic aircraft as family projects. In addition to his studies toward his A&P certification at Blackhawk Technical College in Janesville he is a member of the 128th Air Refueling Wing of the Wisconsin Air National Guard.
35 year old Colin is a single parent active in his community serving as a football coach for seventh and eighth graders and a volunteer reader for his daughter's third grade class. Tony has said that his ultimate goal is to start his own full-blown restoration facility, "from prop spinner to the furthest rear bow of the rudder."
Blackhawk Tech instructor Rick Theis spoke highly of Colin, saying, "His dedication and love for aviation is shown in all the effort he puts forward in his studies and work ethic."

2005 Theissen Field Scholarship
David Hoffman
David Hoffman, Oshkosh, received the inaugural Theissen Field Scholarship. Hoffman is enrolled in the Aeronautics - Pilot Training Program at Fox Valley Technical College.
Hoffman became interested in becoming a pilot at the age of ten after attending EAA AirVenture. His goal is to become a professional pilot for a major airline. David is active in his community; he participates in young adult and middle school activities and ministries at his local church. he has worked on highway cleanup projects. While in high school, along with members of his drafting class, he designed and built a park and gazebo for a northern Wisconsin community.
Fox Valley instructor Seth Kremer said that Hoffman is always prepared for class no matter the circumstances. He said the FVTC aviation program is full of new experiences and that Hoffman has adapted to the requirements much quicker than the average student. "In addition, he respects the decisions of others and with experience in his chosen field, he will become a strong leader."

2004 Carl Guell Memorial Scholarship
Torran McCarthy
A Navy veteran, Torran McCarthy, is a student at Blackhawk Technical College (BTC). McCarthy worked as an aviation electrician while in the Navy and is now studying for the A&P designation.
"It's an honor to receive the WAHF Carl Guell Memorial scholarship," said McCarthy, "I'm sure there were many qualified applicants. It's nice to win. I'm going to school full time so every bit helps."
McCarthy said the $1000 scholarship will help fund his two year program at Blackhawk while enabling him to get into the workforce. He plans to begin classes after graduating from BTC on a part-time basis to reach his ultimate goal of becoming an aeronautical engineer.

2003 Carl Guell Memorial Scholarship
Marjorie (Maggie) Flood
A 43-year-old mother of two is the 2003 recipient of the Wisconsin Aviation Hall of Fame Carl Guell Memorial Scholarship. Marjorie Flood, Waukesha, received the $1000 award at the organization’s annual investiture ceremony and banquet on October 25 at the EAA AirVenture Museum in Oshkosh. The Wisconsin Aviation Hall of Fame annually awards a $1000 scholarship to a student enrolled in an aviation program at one of Wisconsin’s Technical Colleges.
Ms. Flood enrolled in the Airframe and Powerplant (A & P) program at Milwaukee Area Technical College after losing her husband to cancer. Feeling she needed to “start her life over again” a friend suggested A & P school after she decided on a career in a mechanical line of work. “After doing some research I decided that being an A & P offered the most diverse opportunities for me,” she said. Flood had a lifelong interest in things mechanical; her parents had told her that her favorite thing to do once she could walk was to sneak out to her dad’s machine shed to play with the tools and grease.
Known to her friends as Maggie, her first year of A & P school has had both its challenges and rewards. The sole woman in her class, she has found only support from her classmates. The challenges have been on a more personal level, losing her husband in 2002, and her father in January 2003. Her sons, Ben and Jack, 13 and 15, are adjusting to mom’s busy new schedule but continue to encourage their mom in her goals. “I continue to hear how proud my sons are of me,” she said.
Through the personal hardship, Flood holds an admirable 3.76 GPA and is respected by her fellow students and instructors alike. MATC Instructor Ken Mischka said of Maggie, “Her dedication and desire to succeed is of the highest caliber.” Instructor Jon Pribyl said, “Her quality of work and dependability sets a standard that can be used to measure others by. Maggie would be a great asset to any aviation company she decides to work for."

2002 Carl Guell Memorial Scholarship
Gil Weinkauf
Gil is a second year student in Milwaukee Area Technical College's (MATC's) Aviation Technician program. Weinkauf grew up Fairwater, Wisconsin and graduated from UW-Stout. Gil and his wife, Nancy, reside in Grafton, Wisconsin and have three children.
After retiring from teaching Industrial Arts and Auto Mechanics in Germantown he decided it was time for a change. He had always been interested in airplanes and aviation and with his background in mechanics it seemed only natural to become an aviation maintenance technician. He declared that it was, "time to fulfill a dream.”
Weinkauf currently holds a 3.98 Grade Point Average (GPA), a second job and drives 30 miles one-way through downtown Milwaukee to school each day. He also tutors his fellow students.
Gil also holds a Private Pilot Certificate and like many aviators made models as a kid. This kid made model rockets instead of balsa airplanes but the dream was there as it is in many. Upon learning of the scholarship award he exclaimed to his wife, "Wow, look at this, look at this!" He called the award a significant contribution to his aviation education.